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Monday, November 5, 2007



If you think it's time to purchase a new vehicle ( 2008 ) you might consider a new ( 2007 ) and save money for the holidays. Most New Car Dealers still have a good selection to choose from with considerable savings . I'll give you an example : Just this past weekend, my sister in law purchased a NEW ( 2007 ) SUV loaded, leather interior dual front a/c controls, headed seats, all power, windows, doors, seats, mirrors, with not one, but two sliding sun roofs or ( moon roofs ) depends on the time of day, satellite entertainment system and many more nice interior features ...... Exterior was just as nice all the way down to the 18 inch chrome wheels, dual exhaust, rear bumper sensor that alarms just in case she starts to back into a car, tree, building , dog, cat, or even a human. I believe this vehicle was made just for a woman.......JUST KIDDING ! Here's the punch line. The same day, she had driven a ( 2007 ) same make, model, and according to my wife and my sisters in law, it had the same specs... AND WAS PRICED THE SAME. The only difference was (Different Dealer) and oh yes......... ( IT HAD 30000 THOUSAND MILES ON THE ODOMETER ). The Friday night before my wife and her sisters set out to wheel and deal I made them a list of Do's and Dont's; what to ask, when to ask, who to ask, what to say, when to say it, what to look for, and what not to look for. Make notes, write down the specs, and compare notes before making any decision. THEY DID THEIR HOMEWORK.........THEY PASSED .

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